Travel Tips

  • First Disney Cruise? All the Things to Know for your First DCL Trip

    First Disney Cruise? All the Things to Know for your First DCL Trip

    I will never forget the first time we took our oldest son on a Disney cruise. He was around 14 months old. I have vivid memories of him waddling around the ship on unsteady legs in a Mickey Mouse costume, rubbing noses with Stitch, and shouting “Donald Duck” on repeat.…

  • Travel with Kids 101: Sleeping Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids

    Travel with Kids 101: Sleeping Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids

    A Ferry Tale Flop It is 1 AM in Reykjavik, and although my body still thinks it is just 9 PM, I have managed to sleep for a couple of hours already—that is, until my 5-year-old suddenly taps my arm. Why is he up at 1 AM when he was…

  • Vacation Packing Tips: How to Maximize Suitcase Space

    Vacation Packing Tips: How to Maximize Suitcase Space

    I once dragged two massive bags filled with 6-months-worth of clothing and supplies all alone down the dark streets of a town in a foreign country. I was seriously wishing I had not packed so much when I arrived a couple of blocks later at the Bed and Breakfast where…

  • The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: Minimizing Packing for the Whole Family

    The 5-4-3-2-1 Method: Minimizing Packing for the Whole Family

    A few years ago, I was desperately searching for ideas on how to minimize packing clothes for a 16-day trip abroad. I probably spent hours online researching packing tips, but I was not finding the answers I wanted. What I was really hoping for was some kind of formula that…

  • Why Travel with Kids is Worth It: Overcoming Common Obstacles

    Why Travel with Kids is Worth It: Overcoming Common Obstacles

    J and I were newlyweds, freshly back from our honeymoon in Ireland. Although plenty of people asked about the trip, I will never forget what one lady said to me: “Enjoy traveling while you can. Once you have kids, you won’t be able to.” I remember feeling suddenly (and maybe…